Animal Crossing is a hugely popular video game


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  • Raymond is a feline with a disposition He has a genuine, pompous character and shakes a thick pair of dark, plastic glasses, a dim suit vest, and a couple of alarming heterochromatic green and earthy colored eyes. Raymond's birthday is October first, making him a Libra. Raymond was presented as another resident in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and has likewise showed up in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp since his introduction. This genuine business feline has numerous fans needing to catch him for their very own island homes.

    While a considerable lot of Nook Miles Ticket for Sale: New Horizons residents are urged to leave a player's island to be supplanted by more well known picks, Raymond doesn't have that battle. The profoundly pined for feline is the most well known resident in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, with fans out looking through secret islands to discover him and bring him home. Whenever players have found him and gotten him on their island, players will probably need to clutch him for quite a while to come, making the most of his investment in island occasions.

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